Dear Friends and the ZYQ Community,
We are very happy to confirm that Grand Master Xu Mingtang will visit Slovakia during October 2024. We invite you to events he will lead.
Dates in Slovakia: 18 October to 28 October, 2024
Venue: Hotel Bratislava, Seberíniho 1765/9, Bratislava (
Commencing: 18 October 2024, at 10.00 (on Friday)
Concluding: 23 October 2024, at 12.00 (on Wednesday)
4th level of ZYQ:
Commencing: 23 October 2024, at 15.00 (on Wednesday)
Concluding: 25 October 2024, at 12.00 (on Friday)
Meeting of Private students: 25 October 2024, (on Friday) in the afternoon hours
Image Medicine Seminar:
Commencing: 26 October 2024, at 10.00 (on Saturday)
Concluding: 28 October 2024, at 17.00 (on Monday)
On-site registration of participants for all events shall be organized at the venue of Hotel Bratislava. Registration will be available on 17 October so Thursday between 17.00 and 20.00 and on 18 October so Friday between 8.00 and 10.00.
Registration of participants only for the 4rth level or for the Image Medicine Seminar shall be organized also at the venue of Hotel Bratislava as well. Registration will be available before the particular event so 23 October (Wednesday) between 13.00 and 15.00 and 26 October (Saturday) between 8.00 and 10.00
Topics covered during events:
The Retreat shall be focused on increasing our understanding and experience with the ZYQ practice, including increasing our mind force, ways to achieve the pause state and increasing our wisdom level. All participants are required to have completed at least the I. level of ZYQ with a qualified instructor.
4th level of ZYQ: wisdom, communication with the world of plants and animals
The Image Medicine Seminar shall be focused on practices of Image Medicine, including approaches to resolve emotional, psychological, karmic, intrabody communication problems. The seminar shall also cover ways to uncover reasons and causes of diseases that cannot be diagnoses by modern medical equipment.
Master will be teaching in English, interpretation into the hall will be in Slovak. Via headphones there will be translation into Hungarian, Latvian, Russian (see registration form in English)
Attendance fees:
Retreat: 430 Eur
4th Level of ZYQ: 330 Eur
Image Medicine Seminar: 380 Eur
If attending all three events there will be a special price: 910 Eur
The attendance fees shall be used to cover costs related to the events. The surplus of the collected funds shall be used to support the building of the Biguan International Cultural Centre.
Accommodation: The event venue Hotel Bratislava has reserved a limited number of rooms for participants. Accommodation options include:
Standard room occupied by 1 person, 69 Eur
Standard room occupied by 2 persons, 79 Eur
Standard room occupied by 3 persons, 93 Eur
The above-mentioned pricing is for one night at the hotel, including breakfast. All rooms feature a refrigerator, with the exception of Standard rooms for 3 persons. During working days there is the possibility to order a Lunch daily menu at the hotel. In the immediate vicinity of the hotel offers possibilities to buy groceries and visit restaurants.
Municipality/ local government tax: 3 Eur per person per night is not included in the pricing of the accommodation and needs to be paid at the hotel.
Parking: outside carpark of the hotel available with the following pricing:
- for accommodate guests: 4 Eur per 24 hours per each vehicle
- for unaccommodated guests: 7 Eur per day per each vehicle
Accommodation reservation: each participant shall reserve their stay at the hotel via the web interface here:
Please add “ZYQ2024” to the PROMO code column. Reservation via this link with the use of the Promo code are with the discounted rates and are binding, non-refundable and can be made in the dates of 1.6. to 1.10.2024 for booking the accommodation in the dates between 16th – 30th of October 2024.
Registration of participants!
Following registration (filling out the form), each participant shall receive a confirmation email with a registration code and information in regard of payment of a deposit. Please make the wire transfer (bank transfer) no later than within 3 working days. Once the payment is confirmed, each participant shall receive a confirmation email.
Please register using the form on this link: registration form
In case you will not be able to tatted the event you have registered to please contact us via email Each cancelation and inability to attend the events shall be addressed individually.
We are looking forward to your participation!
Slovak Association of ZYQ